» 2011 in Moscow suburbs there will be one customs
17 января 2011 | Просмотров: 2 066 |
Zelenograd, Noginsk and Shchelkovo customs will be reorganized in the form of joining to the Moscow regional customs (MRC). In structure of MRC 19 customs posts Vashutinsky, Volokolamsky, Davydovsky, Dmitrovsky, Zavodskoy, Kashirsky, Kolomnensky, Krasnozavodsky, Leningradsky, Lobnensky, Lytkarinsky, Lvov, Mamontovsky, Mozhaisk, Sergievo-Posadsky, the Stupinsky, Shodnensky, Chernogolovsky and customs post Kubinka will function. Their addresses, number of contact phones and an operating mode will be placed on an official site of the Central customs office (http://ctu.customs.ru/ru/). |