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» 2011 in Moscow suburbs there will be one customs
17 января 2011 | News

Zelenograd, Noginsk and Shchelkovo customs will be reorganized in the form of joining to the Moscow regional customs (MRC).

 In structure of MRC 19 customs posts Vashutinsky, Volokolamsky, Davydovsky, Dmitrovsky, Zavodskoy, Kashirsky, Kolomnensky, Krasnozavodsky, Leningradsky, Lobnensky, Lytkarinsky, Lvov, Mamontovsky, Mozhaisk, Sergievo-Posadsky, the Stupinsky, Shodnensky, Chernogolovsky and customs post Kubinka will function.

 Their addresses, number of contact phones and an operating mode will be placed on an official site of the Central customs office (http://ctu.customs.ru/ru/).

 Moscow and Moscow Region are defined to be the region of activity of the Moscow regional customs. Control over warehouses of time storage (WTS) and the customs warehouses which were in the region of activity of Zelenograd, Noginsk and Shchelkovo customs and also delivery of new certificates on inclusion in corresponding registers is transferred to it.

 Order of FCS of Russia «About reorganization of the customs bodies located in Moscow and Moscow Region» is signed on November, 8th, 2010. According to it 18 customs posts of Zelenograd customs, 11 customs posts of Noginsk customs and 13 of Shchelkovo are liquidated:

 - Akulovsky, Vashutinsky, Volokolamsky, Davydovsky, Dvurechensky, Esipovsky, Zavodskoy, Zelenogradsky, Klinsky, Krasnogorsky, Leningradsky, Lvovsky, Mitinsky, Mozhaisky, Molzhaninovsky, Odintsovsky  western, Pervomaysky customs posts and a customs post Kubinka of Zelenograd customs;

 - Egorevsky, Zhukovsky, Kashirsky, Kolomnensky, Lytkarinsky, Ljuberetsky, Nekrasovsky, Orehovo-Zuevsky, Stupinsky, Chernogolovsky, Electrostalsky customs posts of Noginsk customs;

 Dmitrovsky, Dolgoprudnensky, Dubninsky, Ivanteevsky, Krasnozavodsky, Lobnensky, Losinoostrovsky, Mamontovsky, Mytishchinsky, Pushkinsky, Reutovsky, Sergievo-Posadsky, Shchelkovo customs posts of the Shchelkovo customs.

 Till January, 1st, 2011 their operating mode won't change.

 The cargo customs declarations registered by Zelenograd, Noginsk and Shchelkovo customs and not been issued according to customs procedures till January, 20th, 2010 will be let out by the Moscow regional customs.

 The participants of foreign trade activities who make out the goods on liquidated customs post must introduce corrective amendments in operating logistical chains beforehand and also think over the possibility to use the simplified customs procedures in their work, preliminary, remote electronic declaring of the goods and other advanced information customs technologies.

 Representatives of the Central customs office are ready to discuss with participants of foreign trade activities all arising questions including connected with reorganization of customs bodies and definition of possible places of fulfillment of customs operations.

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