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» Customs and business: the international and regional aspects of cooperation
17 января 2011 | News

On October, 21st in Moscow there has passed the International conference «Customs and business: the international and regional aspects of cooperation» in which  the head of FCS of Russia Andrey Beljaninov, the First deputy of the head of FCS of Russia Vladimir Malinin, the Responsible secretary of the Commission of the Customs union Sergey Glazyev, the Assistant to the General Secretary of World Customs Organization Serhio Muhika Montes, the Chairman of the State customs committee of Byelorussia Alexander Shpilevsky, the deputy minister of the finance and the Head of customs service of Poland Jatsek Slavomir Kapitsa, the Vice-president of the State customs service of Ukraine Pavel Pashko and also chiefs of leading managements of FCS of Russia and representatives of business community have taken part.

 The head of FCS of Russia Andrey Belyaninov has taken up questions of development of legal base of the Customs union and has noted that now it is necessary to provide joining of work of three countries' services, to unify and adjust transparent system of an information exchange. Besides, according to A.Belyaninova, cooperation in sphere of law-enforcement activity is one of the key directions of interaction of customs services.

 «Now we do an emphasis on completion of standard base of the Customs union, - the Responsible secretary of the Commission of the Customs union Sergey Glazyev has told. - We have already practically unified sanitary, phytosanitory requirements, formation of technical norms on trade is actually finished». He has added that conditions, including those for manufacture of the difficult goods which at times cross  border not once, are created. Glazyev also has noted that there is much work left. «It is connected, on the one hand, with the end of formation of the customs union, on the other hand, with formation of Uniform economic space on which it is planned to sign about 20 agreements more by the end of 2010», - S.Glazyev has noted. «I don't have any doubts that by July, 1st, 2011 this work will be finished», - he has summed up his speech.

 The chairman of the State Customs Committee of Byelorussia Alexander Shpilevsky told the participants about work of customs service in Belarus and, in particular, about creation of a uniform database of various departments thanks to which realization of principle «one window» is possible that is  put in the European Convention of the United Nations №33, and also about project results «Electronic customs» in Belarus allowing to increase throughput of check points to 21 thousand cars a day. At the same time he noticed that despite the long explanatory work among participants of foreign trade activities, customs services of Russia and Belarus still advance business in a question of electronic declaring.

 Presence at conference of the deputy minister of the finance, the Head of customs service of Poland Jatsek Kapitsa was significant as Poland is the biggest state on external border of the Customs union, besides it is direct with Russia (in the Kaliningrad region). Kapitsa has noted that he looks at the new formation, the Customs union, with optimism  and offered Russia and Belarus to make use of the Polish experience on creation of green corridors.

 The vice-president of the State customs service of Ukraine Pavel Pashko has acted with the report «Customs trusts fair subjects»  having expressed the solidarity with a problem of gray business in the sphere of the foreign trade activities existing as well in Ukraine. «In Ukraine 5 % of subjects (and if to clean energy carriers that is 1,5 %) make out 80 % of the goods», - informed Pashko. In his opinion, thanks to the new technologies allowing to simplify and at the same time to strengthen customs control, the quantity of offenses will fall.

 For business circles performances of chiefs of structural divisions of FCS  of Russia were informative. The assistant to Central administrative board of the organization of customs registration and customs control Alexey Drushlyakov has informed about 100 %-s' readiness of customs bodies for work on technology of electronic declaring. As he said, for successful work on the given technology it is necessary to carry out a number of the actions which are beyond competence of FCS of Russia, including creation of the center of delivery and identification of the electronic digital signature, modernization by executive powers of the information systems. Thchief of Central administrative board of information technology Alexey Shashaev has depicted the principal views of an information exchange demanding now technological support: control of customs transit of the goods on territory of the Customs union, time import of vehicles, actual export of the goods from the territory of the Customs union and an exchange of the standard-help information. The head of department of trading restrictions, currency and export control Peter Baklakov has informed that process of introduction of the Uniform register of objects of intellectual property in territory of the Customs union is already at a finishing stage and also the Contract on struggle against illegal money-laundering and the documents received in the illegal way is being prepared at present. He also reminded participants of foreign trade activities that a short story of the Customs code of the Customs union is that the goods which do not have allowing documents are considered to be forbidden to import and are subject to export beyond the borders of the Customs union.

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