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CustomsOnline - Все для участников ВЭД

Стоимость доллара США, евро и китайского юаня по отношению к российскому рублю  
» Domestic market trends
18 января 2011 | Просмотров: 2 731

The GDP fall in 2009 is estimated at 7.9% compared to 2008 (growth at 5.6% in 2008 against 2007). It amounted to RUR39063.6 bn (USD1233.1 bn) in 2009. The deflator index in 2009 is 102.3. Russia’s exports of goods decreased from USD471.6 bn 2008 to USD303.4 bn in 2009 according to the RF Central Bank data. Total merchandise exports of Russia decreased by 35.7% in 2009 compared to 2008 (in 2008 their growth was 33.1% against 2007).


» Foreign exchange policy and the exchange rate performance
18 января 2011 | Просмотров: 2 014

The impact of the world financial crisis made the Russian monetary authorities to pass new “Basic directions of general state monetary and credit policy for 2009 and for the period of 2010-2011” in late October 2008. The policy of smooth lowering ruble exchange rate ended in March 2009 with achieving the corridor at RUR38-41 per the USD/EUR basket compared to RUR29-30 per the basket in September 2008. The mentioned basket consists of USD0.55 and EUR0.45. In early 2010 the RF monetary authorities made the corridor floating and it reached RUR33.7-36.7 per the basket in April 2010 due to the rise in world prices of Russian major export commodities. However the RF monetary authorities do not pursue a policy of completely free floating ruble exchange rate because of the political, economic and legal restrictions.


» Обзор рынка меди
18 января 2011 | Просмотров: 2 917

Обзор мирового рынка меди на утро 18 января 2011 года.
За последний торговый день на Лондонской бирже металлов (London Metal Exchange, LME) официальная цена наличной меди с немедленной оплатой и поставкой повысилась с $9591,0 до $9690,0 за тонну, а цена меди с поставкой через три месяца - с $9572,0 до $9651,5 за тонну. Неофициальная цена наличной меди при закрытии торгов вечером 17 января составила $9675,0 за тонну.


» Cтоимость микролитражки от Skoda не превысит 7 тысяч евро
18 января 2011 | Просмотров: 3 001

Чешский автопроизводитель Skoda выпустит самый маленький в своей линейке автомобиль, сообщает «Ведомости». Трехдверный пятиместный хэтчбэк, основным достоинством которого станет низкий расход топлива, условно назван Skoda New Small Family (NSF). Производитель предполагает, что целевой аудиторией новой одели станут молодые семьи с маленькими детьми. Характеристики машины производителем пока не разглашаются. В Европе стоимость микролитражки от Skoda не превысит 7 тысяч евро. Цена новинки в России пока не определена.


» Kyrgyzstan wants to join Customs Union
18 января 2011 | Просмотров: 2 371

Kyrgyzstan is looking towards Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan’s Customs Union, the country's prime minister, Almazbek Atambayev, announced on Friday.
“Kyrgyzstan and Russia have a common past, and I think our future will also be shared.


» State Mediation Into Belarus-Russian Oil Dispute
18 января 2011 | Просмотров: 1 891

Belarussian Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich plans to travel to Moscow later this week, his spokesman said Monday, in a sign that the state is getting involved as oil trade talks between Russian and Belarussian companies stalled over price.


» On the Russian-Latvian border the new MAAP "Ludonka" is opened
17 января 2011 | Просмотров: 2 117

On November, 11th, 2010 solemn ceremony of opening of a multilateral automobile cargo-and-passenger check point through frontier of the Russian Federation "Ludonka" (MAAP "Ludanka")) located on the Russian-Latvian border in Pytalovsky region of the Pskov area has taken place. The chief of Northwest customs office Nazip Galikeev, responsible persons of Central office of FCS of Russia, representatives of federal and regional enforcement authorities have taken part in it.


» 2011 in Moscow suburbs there will be one customs
17 января 2011 | Просмотров: 1 971

Zelenograd, Noginsk and Shchelkovo customs will be reorganized in the form of joining to the Moscow regional customs (MRC).
 In structure of MRC 19 customs posts Vashutinsky, Volokolamsky, Davydovsky, Dmitrovsky, Zavodskoy, Kashirsky, Kolomnensky, Krasnozavodsky, Leningradsky, Lobnensky, Lytkarinsky, Lvov, Mamontovsky, Mozhaisk, Sergievo-Posadsky, the Stupinsky, Shodnensky, Chernogolovsky and customs post Kubinka will function.
Their addresses, number of contact phones and an operating mode will be placed on an official site of the Central customs office (http://ctu.customs.ru/ru/).


» Customs and business: the international and regional aspects of cooperation
17 января 2011 | Просмотров: 2 253

On October, 21st in Moscow there has passed the International conference «Customs and business: the international and regional aspects of cooperation» in which  the head of FCS of Russia Andrey Beljaninov, the First deputy of the head of FCS of Russia Vladimir Malinin, the Responsible secretary of the Commission of the Customs union Sergey Glazyev, the Assistant to the General Secretary of World Customs Organization Serhio Muhika Montes, the Chairman of the State customs committee of Byelorussia Alexander Shpilevsky, the deputy minister of the finance and the Head of customs service of Poland Jatsek Slavomir Kapitsa, the Vice-president of the State customs service of Ukraine Pavel Pashko and also chiefs of leading managements of FCS of Russia and representatives of business community have taken part.


» Интервью руководителя ФТС Андрея Бельянинова газете «Торгово-промышленные Ведомости»
17 января 2011 | Просмотров: 2 777

Беседа с руководителем Федеральной таможенной службы Андреем Бельяниновым, опубликованное в первом номере газеты «Торгово-промышленные Ведомости» за 2011 год.


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