Export/Import trade statistics of Russian Federation based on official
reference books of customs statistics of Russia (publisher is Federal Customs
Service of Russian Federation). The Data Base contains trade statistics data of
export/import operations Russia with abroad countries. The Data Base has
been prepared on the base of processing about 3.0 million annual customs declarations.
The Date Base search is possible as by countries, products code, trade years and
export/import indicators choose as well. Data are shown in quantity and cost view.
Results are displayed in a table and can be exported in Excel (.xls) format.
The Data Base contains date from 2005 to 2020 years.
Additional information:
The Database is updated annually on the basis of official annual customs statistics of Russia.
Data in the Database of trade statistics completely correspond to the official data of Russian Customs stated in official collections of Customs statistics of
foreign trade of the Russian Federation.
Data for 2020 including December.
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