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CustomsOnline - Все для участников ВЭД

Стоимость доллара США, евро и китайского юаня по отношению к российскому рублю  
» Customs and border in Russia
28 сентября 2017 | Просмотров: 3 438
This section details features of the Russian border control on arrival in and departure from Russia, the formal responsibilities of foreign tourists during their stay in the country as well as our recommendations on handling documents during your stay.

» Russia's Medicine Imports Fall by Third in 2015
10 февраля 2016 | Просмотров: 2 498

Russia imported medicine worth $6.8 billion last year, down 32.7 percent compared to 2014, the Federal Customs Service said in a statement Friday.
The import of drugs to Russia from outside the former Soviet Union dropped 32.9 percent to $6.7 billion. Imports into Russia from CIS countries were worth $119 million, 21 percent less than in 2014, the statement said.
Meanwhile, the volume of antibiotics imported into Russia decreased by 2.6 percent in 2015 to $84.2 million, according to the Federal Customs Service.


» Russia's Alcohol Imports Plunge to Record Lows
25 января 2016 | Просмотров: 2 274
Russia saw a record drop in alcohol imports in 2015 as a result of the weakening ruble and a decline in Russians' purchasing power, the Kommersant newspaper reported Thursday.
Imports of whiskey — the country's most popular imported spirit — decreased by 22.3 percent to 33.59 million liters. Rum imports dropped by 35 percent to 4.76 million liters, the newspaper reported, citing customs statistics.
The data also showed that Russia imported 32.6 percent less wine and 33.7 less sparkling wine last year compared to 2014.

» Travelers Complain of Foreign Food Confiscation at Russian Customs
19 августа 2015 | Просмотров: 2 733
Amid the food destruction frenzy that spread across Russia last week, officials appear to have widened their remit and started confiscating food items from travelers' hand luggage, despite the decree that banned commercial imports of some Western food products clearly stating that it does not apply to items brought in for personal consumption.

» Traders on Edge Over New Russian Wheat Export Tax
1 июня 2015 | Просмотров: 2 261

Russia approved the launch of a new wheat export tax from July 1, which traders say could threaten profits on advance contracts for the new crop if the ruble weakens in coming months.
Russia's government said on Friday that the new tax was intended to stop exports surging if the ruble drops steeply. The ruble fell sharply against the dollar in 2014, fueling grain exports, and is yet to fully recover.


» European Companies Dragged Down by Western Sanctions Against Russia
26 ноября 2014 | Просмотров: 2 586
BRUSSELS — At a technology fair in Moscow last month, European executives faced the new reality of doing business in Russia since the West imposed sanctions: The number of companies at the international showcase had shrunk by half from a year ago.
"The impact on business couldn't be clearer. Fewer stands, fewer companies," said Mark Bultinck, a sales executive for Belgian digital screen maker Barco, which had a booth at the annual expo for the audiovisual industry.

» Russian Customs Officials Turn Back Ton of Western Tea at the Border
13 октября 2014 | Просмотров: 2 539

Russia has refused to allow almost a ton of German and U.S. tea into the country, with customs officials saying the produce violated Moscow's ban on Western food imports.
After 970 kilograms of German herbal tea was detained Friday in the Siberian region of Novosibirsk, officials said Monday that they had seized a smaller shipment of tea and ice-drink mixes on the far eastern island of Sakhalin, the Interfax news agency reported.
About 28 kilograms of tea produced by a U.S. company was part of the cargo aboard a ship arriving from the South Korean port of Busan, the Sakhalin region's customs service was quoted as saying by Interfax.


» Food Import Ban Shows Weakness of Russia's Customs Union
14 августа 2014 | Просмотров: 2 306

Even as Russia seeks to deepen and expand trade alliances in the face of economic isolation from the West, the unilateral trade restrictions that Moscow unleashed last week show just how far its Customs Union is from a genuine economic alliance, analysts said.
Russia last Thursday unilaterally banned deliveries of meat, poultry, fish, cheese, milk and dairy products from the European Union, the United States, Australia, Canada and Norway in retribution  for the countries' sanctions against Russia over its policy in Ukraine.


» Authorized Economic Operator: Recent Changes
5 августа 2014 | Просмотров: 2 956

Recent amendments to the Federal Law on Customs Regulation in Russia (as amended by Federal Law No. 115-FZ on Amendments to the Federal Law on Customs Regulation in the Russian Federation of May 5, 2014 with respect to the institution of authorized economic operator) (the "Law") have made the status of authorized economic operator (AEO) even more attractive for businesses.
The amendments affect both the conceptual framework and the practical aspects of the Law. The amendments can be regarded as largely positive.
An AEO is a legal entity incorporated under the law of a member state of the Customs Union that meets certain requirements and has been entered in a special register. Under the current legislation, a wide range of entities — from manufacturers, importers, exporters, customs brokers, customs carriers, intermediaries, distributors, to other persons involved in one way or another with foreign economic activities — are eligible for this favorable status. The amendments made to the law with respect to the concept of AEO unify the advantages that AEO status gives to manufacturers and other kinds of entity (retailers, service providers).


» Confirming the Safety of Imported Goods
5 августа 2014 | Просмотров: 2 256

This article provides information on the rules for confirming safety of goods imported to the territory of the Customs Union of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.
The main functions of the safety requirements is the protection of 1) life and health of people; 2) property; 3) ecological environment; 4) life and health of animals and plants; 5) prevention of misunderstanding of the consumers; 6) energetic efficiency and resource preservation. The application of the safety requirements for other purposes (e.g. the use of the provisions of the technical regulations in order to substantiate the collection of customs payments, etc.) is not required (Agreement on the single principles and rules of technical regulation in the Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation dated 18 November 2010 (hereinafter — the Agreement on technical regulation), Art. 4 (2)).


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