» Authorized Economic Operator: Recent Changes
5 августа 2014 | Просмотров: 2 956 |
Recent amendments to the Federal Law on Customs Regulation
in Russia (as amended by Federal Law No. 115-FZ on Amendments to the
Federal Law on Customs Regulation in the Russian Federation of May 5,
2014 with respect to the institution of authorized economic operator)
(the "Law") have made the status of authorized economic operator (AEO)
even more attractive for businesses.
The amendments affect both the conceptual framework and the
practical aspects of the Law. The amendments can be regarded as largely
An AEO is a legal entity incorporated under the law of a
member state of the Customs Union that meets certain requirements
and has been entered in a special register. Under the current
legislation, a wide range of entities — from manufacturers, importers,
exporters, customs brokers, customs carriers, intermediaries,
distributors, to other persons involved in one way or another with
foreign economic activities — are eligible for this favorable status.
The amendments made to the law with respect to the concept of AEO unify
the advantages that AEO status gives to manufacturers and other kinds
of entity (retailers, service providers). |